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the authors of Earnr!

Dhruv Anand

Variety Twitch Streamer

Starting on Twitch can be a bit confusing, especially when it comes to understanding how to monetise your live streams. To help out, we proudly introduce you to our Twitch genius, Dhruv.

When he began playing video games as a kid, he would have never thought of a platform where gamers can turn their hobby into a career (let alone his mother!). When Dhruv first accessed Twitch, he was surprised to see how many people are willing to pay to subscribe to gamers’ channels. Of course, he’s subscribed to some of them too, and since then he’s watched as many livestreams as he could.

He’s immediately become part of the Twitch community, learning fast everything you could possibly need to know. For this reason, when we met Dhruv, we immediately realised he was the right person to help our Twitch customers and resolve any doubt that you could have about the platform.You can find everything you need to know about Twitch in Dhruv’s dedicated guide.

Articles written by

Dhruv Anand

decorative image for a blog
April 1, 2022

UTR number for creators and influencers

Creators and influencers can earn enough money to work as a creator full-time. Or, the money earned can just be an extra source of income. If creators and influencers earn over £1000 in a tax year, they may need to file a self assessment. To do this, they will need a UTR number.

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